UMC MA is a medical service company of the Consortium of “University Medical Center” СF and LLP “Archimedes Kazakhstan”.
It operates on the basis of the medical center University Health Center.

The goal of UMC MA is to provide the insureds with high-level comprehensive medical care.
The format of the center allows you to receive a full range of medical services: consultations of doctors of various specialties, the ability to undergo laboratory tests, functional diagnostics.
Diagnostics: ultrasound diagnostics of all organs, ECHO KG, ECG, Doppler, laboratory and instrumental research methods.
Consultations are provided by Highly qualified specialists: GP, cardiologist, endocrinologist, orthopedics, surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT, psychotherapist, obstetrician-gynecologist.
There are provided an English-speaking specialist (GP) for foreign students. English-speaking coordinators accompany patients to receive medical care at the health center and other medical organizations as well.
Additional services:
- Physiotherapy, massage;
- Procedure room services: subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous injections and intravenous infusions;
- Day hospital services;
- Influenza Vaccination;
- Annual preventive medical examination (form 086)
- Fluorography.
Address: Nur-Sultan, 53 Kabanbay Batyr Ave. (Nazarbayev University)
- block 24, 1st floor, office 69 (GP);
- block 19, 2nd floor, office for doctors on duty;
- block C2, 1st floor, office 1069 (Coordinator).
For visitor’s convenience, a pharmacy was organized on the basis of UHC – block 24, 1st floor, Office 046.
Medical Center on campus «University Health Center»
24 block – Mon-Fri from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m, Phone: +7(7172) 69-27-27, mobile: +7 701 032 64 35
Duty doctors on campus:
Block 19 – Mon-Fri from 8:00 p.m to 8:00 a.m., Sat, Sun – round the clock
Coordinator of IC “Jysan Garant”
C2 block coordinator – Mon-Fri from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m; mobile +7 700 748 63 07
Customer satisfaction quality
- Feedback via email (, phone / Whatsapp (+7 700 748 63 07).
- Monitoring of received appeals for timely and complete consideration, making decisions on them and sending replies to the insured
- Awareness of the insured about the changes, distribution.
In order to get an accessibility and informational content, there is an office of the coordinator of IC “Jysan Garant” is opened for the insureds, where employees can receive:
- Consultations about Insurance Programs,
- obtain a travel insurance certificate,
- get information about the working hours of the branches of Archimedes Kazakhstan,
- make an appointment with the specialists at the health medical center,
- feedback service – quality, price, availability, others
The following phone numbers of the Call-center are available for an information on all issues of medical care:
2828 for KCell, Active, Beeline subscribers, free call from all regions in Kazakhstan:
Almaty: phones: + 7 (727) 2 444 680; + 7 (727) 2 444 698.
Nur-Sultan: phones + 7 (7172) 99 95 95; + 7 (7172) 99 96 56; +7 (7172) 69 27 27, +7 701 032 6435
Atyrau: phone +7 701 951 16 46 Coordinator Arailym Maitanova.
For other regions: 8 800 080 52 52 – free call from landline phones (from all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan).